The Church Farm, Billinudgel – 2014-2017

This original Billinudgel church has been through a few stages of transformation (after its time as a house of the lord) to accommodate floods and a growing family. Firstly, we built 2 bedrooms and a mezzanine, then spent weeks removing the old horsehair plaster from the ceilings, lifting them, and replacing with VJ boards. Most recently, the whole church was lifted a meter and a half, decks and stairs built right around, and a garage and spare bed and bathroom built under. We love it!

We could talk all day about how great the Chris King crew is. They turned an empty old church into a magical house for our family and we are forever grateful. Chris knows what will work, what will look good, what will last, and with every project (shed, cabin, internal rooms, mezzanine, decks) we trusted him completely because he knows what he’s doing and we didn’t have to worry about a thing.
— Andrew & Amanda, Church Farm